10 Steps You Need To Take To Succeed In Cloud Market – Lessons From Successful Early Movers #winklix

There is no doubt that cloud is increasingly becoming a rule rather than the exception in the computing industry.Cloud hosting has come into both dedicated server hosting and vps server hosting providing at cheapest rates.
Even the best shared hosting are now at cheapest rate and on cloud.
The coming years are likely to see eventful happenings for hosting companies, and information technology companies struggling to manage this change. More than 5 years ago, cloud computing was very much a contentious and an untested concept. Today, nearly all CIOSs are strongly advocating it.
With every chance that the cloud is likely to become the default environment for most businesses, the question now is how a newbie must adapt his or her business to succeed in the cloud.
Here are 10 steps you need to take to succeed in cloud market- lessons from successful early movers.
1. Service Management
To leverage the cloud functionality to the maximum, it is important that businesses must have a simple approach for defining and metering cloud hosting offerings.
In other words, a vendor’s cloud offerings contain an assortment of services and applications that companies can consume through the cloud hosting service. The offerings must clearly define guarantees, resource management, and
billing procedures.
2. Reliability
While cloud hosting providers promote their cloud offerings with numerous benefits, it is nevertheless important that you must ensure the service is reliable, available 24 x 7, and highly secure.
3. Reporting
Success of cloud deployment depends on a great deal from the reporting perspective as well. Without a robust reporting mechanism in place performance, compliance, and billing is difficult.
4. Managing independence
With a self-service portal, you must be able to manage your own data center to create and enable templates and manage its virtual
5. Systems support
The cloud management solutions must be able to leverage the latest hardware, and the data center’s existing infrastructure. Importantly, the service provider must be able to integrate the conventional IT systems so that it can accurately meet the needs of the data center.
6. Manage existing contracts
For any IT business, operational and other costs can be significant. It is for this reason you must have a contract management system in place that has all the records of existing vendors, renewals, contract terms, and conditions etc. This will provide you with a clear perspective while you plan to move to cloud.
7. Strategize how applications will be used
Identify applications that will be used immediately and in the near future. And at the same time make a roadmap of those applications that are on the verge of decommissioning, and those that are no longer required.
8. Evaluate all aspects of costs
With servers, OS and data systems, you must consider the overall hosting costs – and not to forget, maintenance, backups, licenses, and technical supports.
9. Quality of technical support
Do not underestimate the need for good quality technical support. This will define the type of cloud experience you will have.
10. Try before you migrate
For most cloud packages having an extended trial period makes sense. The experience you have during this period can make or break your buying decision.
There is no doubt that cloud delivers immense benefits. But before you jump, understand the bigger picture and the third- party costs involved.
Winklix is a leading web hosting company offering application and cloud hosting and business email solutions to businesses across the globe.


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